"Thank you for understanding us, and working slowly with us :D"
WHO IS IT FOR Groups- up to 10 participants
DURATION 2 hours X 12
WHERE At the retirement home
ADDED VALUES Creativity, coordination, memory improvment via camera utilization, quality time
Digital has replaced Film! But that doesn't necessarily have to be only a confusing thing- it can also be a great way to learn photography and see results immediately.
Photography has been proven to be a great tool in helping the elderly keep coordination and memory, while moving around developing their imagination and creativity!
All it takes is patience and a way to bridge from the old analog world to the digital one.
With a series of 12 lessons, we will learn and play, laugh and move around, getting our photography in shape so we can take those memorable photographs of our grandchildren, family, friends and places we love so much.
This fun course is a perfect afternoon at any group host or at the retirement home, with small groups of up to 10 participants. We will take it nice and slow with a refreshing creative break and a cup of tea, opening the eye and mind, seeing through different perspectives.
At the end of the course the option of having an exhibition is possible too!
Photography hasn’t really changed that much and once it is understood - there is very little difference at all! Come play with your cellphone cameras, and improve your photographic abilities!